Pain Management
Pain Management
Pain is one of the human body’s greatest assets. It’s an alert that something needs attention.
In Acupuncture, pain occurs when there are blockages in energy channels within the body. Dr. Andrew Lee is able to alleviate pain with such success because different types of blockages are treated differently with acupuncture and physical therapy.. Sharp pain is attributed to blood stasis while an aching, stiff pain is due to Qi stagnation. Pain with weakness or numbness is caused by deficiency of Qi and blood in the channels. Pain with edema or heavy sensations in the body represent blockages due to dampness accumulation. In complex case, these stagnating factors often appear in combination.
At the same time, the location of pain is also important in order to identify which channel(s) require balancing with acupuncture, physical therapy, and acutherapy.. The channels often overlap multiple anatomical structures including nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The sciatic nerve, for example, overlaps with both Gallbladder and Bladder channels.
The selection of different acupuncture points correctly addresses each patient’s unique problem. By using personalized point combinations, we are able to unblock Qi, move blood, eliminate dampness or nourish the tissues along any given channel pathway to effectively alleviate pain.
With the proper diagnosis of pain including location, root cause, and functional limitations, physical therapy is incorporated to address patient’s impairments. Specific modalities such as cold laser therapy is used to break down adhesion, manual therapy such as trigger point release is used to regain normal tension of muscle fibers. In addition, physical therapy exercises and patient education are incorporated to strengthen and to stabilize the body for longer term benefits and to create better everyday habits and postures.

Therefore, combination of acupuncture and physical therapy (ACUTHERAPY) is an effective and a specific treatment for each patient’s pain and impairment.
- Orthopedic and Sports Related Pain and Injuries
- Lumbalgia (Lower Back Pain)
- Cervicalgia (Neck Pain)
- Shoulder Pain (Rotator Cuff Tendoinitis, AC joint Biceps Tendonitis)
- Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
- Wrist/Hand Pain (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sprain/Strain)
- Sciatica
- Hip Pain (Iliotibial Band Syndrome/Tendonitis)
- Knee Pain (Jumper’s Knee, Patella Tendonitis, Runner’s Knee, Shin Splints)
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Ankle/Foot Sprain/Strain
- Referred Pain due to Trigger Point
- Generalized Pain
- Menstrual Pain
- Abdominal Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Post-Operative Pain
- Cancer-Related Pain
- Nerve-Related Pain (Diabetic Neuropathy)
- Pain in the Head Region
- Headaches (Migraine, Sinus)
- TMJ (Jaw Pain)
- Facial Pain/Nerve Irritation (Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell’s Palsy)
- Eye Pain